Friday, November 04, 2005

A little leg therapy...

I finally got myself into see someone today about my muscle problems in my legs... I went to AIM (Athletic Injury management) and talked to Tony Smith (one of the chiropractors there)... this was my first time ever going to a chiropractor, so I had no idea what to expect...

It didn't take them long to tell me this laundry list of problems... problems with my hip flexers, IT band, all the way up to my shoulders... and all this stuff was somehow connected... first, I went in for the massage... the guy was telling me more and more problems the more he massaged... I lost count of how many knots he came accross after a while...

Keep in mind this is just one leg... every knot he came accross he would put his whole body weight into working it out... those of you who know me, know I'm not a huge guy... to say the least, I was on the verge of jumping off the table... for some demented reason the more it hurt the harder I found it not to laugh, as if I was so impressed by how badly I screwed myself up that I found it funny... it must be the Tyler Durden inside of me...

anyways, after that I went back to Tony to get adjusted... he snapped my back, neck, shoulders, hips, and even a rib back into place... I was pretty impressed and look forward to going back next week... I got a few things I got to do like icing the muscles that have been damaged and staying on top of the stretching and I should be able to come back to training in a few weeks...

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