Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This is kind of scary...

Christophe Brandt in induced coma after crash

Christophe Brandt's (Davitamon-Lotto) had a life-threatening crash yesterday at the Schaal Sels, suffering four broken ribs, a lung perforation and a pneumothorax.
Operating on him almost immediately, surgeons have been able to save his spleen but they had to remove a kidney. Brandt's upper arm is also broken. His abdominal haemorrhages have caused his condition to be rated as serious and the rider will be kept in an induced coma for three days.

It seems like there's been more life threatening crashes this year than I can remember there being in the recent previous years... I'm actually surprised that there aren't more... I remember a few times where things would get real sketchy... There were times where kids would get out in the middle of the road and you wouldn't really see them until you had already jammed passed them, along with dogs and all kinds of other animals you can think of... it's nuts... then there is always the cars that have been pulled over from the rolling closers that just happens to be in the path of the peleton... the rider in front of swerves to the right and next thing you know, you'r going 50k an hour straight towards the grill of a car... super sketch...

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