Monday, September 18, 2006

we need some new races...

I think I'm going to see if it's possible to come up with a good road race course up here in the Antelope Valley... Something different than just riding around in bigger circles. I'd like to keep it along the lines of an en ligne race, where you do one large circuit than finish up the race with a few laps on a small finishing circuit. To top it off, I want to run parts of the race through sections of hard pack dirt roads... kind of like a spring classic without the rain and mudd... I've thrown around the idea and only a couple people seemed to show any interest. The problem is it's going to be hard and more dangerous than just riding in clear cut circles, so no one really wants to do it... all kinds of races in europe are like that, the difference is that most of the racers racing at that level aren't racing as hobbiest and are willing to risk crashing and want to ride hard to win money since they don't have real jobs and basically make their money racing their bike... so yea, if I can figure out a good course and find someone to sponsor the race, I'm going to get it going...

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