Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Hugo Road Race... 3 words...

Dead Pan boring... Long straight roads with gradual climbs that last 5+ miles for 80 miles... Got in a break about halfway through... those 3 dudes in red are Rio Grande and they made the cake and ate it all... all 3 got in the top 5 spots for money, while the rest of us (outside of Donald from slipstream and the excel guy) went home 50 dollars closer to broke... Ended up missing the attack at the end after taking my pull and was the only one willing to work to get us to the line in front of the chasing main field... oh well, good training for Nature Valley...
Did a local crit the following day which was fielded by 2 slipstream guys, Zajicek, Moniger, Schmatz, Bajadelli, Colby Pearce, and the Rio Grande squad again... it was pretty fast and I ended up 11th, same as last year and out of the money again... bummer... with a few solo bridges to the breaks driven by the big guys, it was another good day of training though... Now it's about time to jump on the trainer, since it's raining like crazy today... Woke up with my window open and all my clothes next to the window soaking wet this morning...

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