Friday, June 12, 2009

Stage 4 Nature Valley Grand Prix

little dark blue blur in the top left corner... yea, cute kid too... thanks for cheering buddy!

Felt a lot better today, I think it was a little slower though... Spent most of the race near the front and contemplated taking a flyer, just to get the .0009 seconds of fame, but decided that probably wasn't the smartest idea seeing that tomorrow's going to be a real tough 90+ miles... All was good though, till about 10 laps to go when a guy clipped a pedal in the corner and went down right in front of me... yes... again... that's two for two in the crits... I thought I had the guy dodged and was in the clear, but got nailed from behind by a grand performance dude who somehow managed to get his handlebar and brake lever wedged between my seatstay and rear wheel, snapping my seatstay in half... I got on a spare bike for the last few laps and was struggling in the corners with the awkward position till about the last lap or so... I tried to limit my losses and come in with the rear of the main peleton, but just missed where the officials decided they would cut the field and say that these guys were 20 seconds back from the finishers... lost more time...

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