Monday, July 20, 2009

Riding round in circles...

Sorry for the lag in posting despite some solid racing with plenty to blog about going on... Just had some more important stuff to take care of when I was off the bike.

My first block of superweek racing was a 3 day block where I was able to get the legs back underneath me after a long block of no racing or any sort of group rides from being restricted to the TT bike. I was able to pull a 14th place at Elgin (where I made the big newspaper here in chicago,3_2_EL13_CYCLING_S1-090713.article) and mainly tried to stay out of the crashes the other two races, keeping in mind that these races are mainly tune ups for nationals and not worth crashing in.

My second block started on Friday and is a 5 day racing block. I struggled with a mental block on Friday and pulled out for no real good reason and did the same saturday but just because I was going as hard as I could every time we hit the climb and had less than a minute to recover from the climb before we started it again... It wasn't long before I blew up...

Last night was the Evanston Grand Prix and I went into it with the goal of staying at the front. I did that, but about halfway through the race I hit a hole and my seat went nose down... so, went into the pit and got let in near the rear of the pack and had to work my way back up to the front. It was pretty hard getting there and once I did, the break that had been away got brought back and the winning break went. I was hurting the most I had the whole race at that point and couldn't go with it. It was kind of some bum luck that would continue with breaking a spoke 10 laps to go. I was worried that I would get let back in at the back and at that point wouldn't be able to move back up at that point in the race. Luckily they let me back in where they had seen me in the peleton and I quickly got back in the top ten and hung there with Josh till we both got completely swarmed on the last lap. I sprinted for 18th place, just because I really needed the cash... Got some good training in and was glad things went better than the last 2 days.

One observation though... apparently, if your not pro and you bring back a pro in a break... that's bad juju... to some guys anyways... I guess if you're not pro, you're not allowed to really race your bike?


Mike Lalla said...

When I read about your seat... I guessed you were back on the Trek. haha Bummer.

Jason said...

yea... that makes about 3 times??? I was lucky they gave me a free lap for that!