Thursday, November 24, 2005

Cheerleaders wanted!

After watching a couple football games today, I think I have figured out why cycling isn't real popular in the states... we need cheerleaders! and maybe a a mascot for each team... but mainly cheerleaders...


Jason said...

I'm not saying the states is not "bike friendly"... simply look at the facts; OLN is cutting footage of bike racing in europe, and what coverage they have isn't really that great... I just came from a place where people climb up on roofs to catch a glimps of their favorite cyclists in some race... I have been in races where the spectator turn out was great (mainly on the east coast), and I think it's safe to say things are improving here on the west coast with the tour de california... maybe I do have too much time on my hands, but ask any rider training full time and they will tell you the same... plus, I wouldn't mind having some hot cheerleaders to talk to after the race... and I doubt you'll get much resistance from other riders on that...

Jason said...

how about having the mascots for each team fight while the spectators are waiting for the riders to come back around... then it would be just like the NFL...

Anonymous said... only suggestion would be dropping the rule that prohibits the cheerleaders from fraternizing with the athletes.

Also....probably should allow both male & female cheerleaders. We sure don't want to be politically incorrect.

"I've been cycling for more years than you've been on this planet..."

(sorry had to correct the grammar & spelling.....)

What do poker, cycling, and sex have in common?

Three things that people think they're really good at.....but actually have little ability.