Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Fort Davis and then some

Sorry for the delay in posts, I've had soooo many other things I feel I should be doing before I get to blogging. Still the case, but I can't leave everyone in the dark.

This last weekend was Fort Davis and it was up to me and my teammates Colt and Todd to defend the win from last year. I had a pretty dismal day on saturday, not sure what was up, just felt the worst I've ever felt on a bike. Didn't help that after the hill climb we had a 16 mile TT with super windy conditions that saw gusts up to 50mph and to top it off, most of it was into a headwind. I ended the day in 11th after the TT and having a not so great hill climb. Colt was sitting around 8th and was our G.C. man. We couldn't get any sort of break going in the road race to make up any time on anybody with the G.C. leader Vargas from San Jose having Wherry and Blackgrove controlling the race for him. The field would slowly wittle down over each climb, but we would finish with everyone in front of me on G.C. in the same group. I stayed in 11th and took 2nd in the final stage, Colt dropped down to 10th due to a mechanical in the last few miles of the road race. Vargas put in an awesome ride to win the final stage and the overall in a hilly stage race, not bad for someone usually classified as a sprinter!

Big thanks to Alex "Gunshow" Boyd for letting me borrow the wheels! These things were amazing after the turn around... Pretty sure this was the only time I've ever spun out a 54x11...

Oh yea... Despite not feeling to great on the bike, last week was an awesome week with getting 100% on both my geology and accounting tests... Pretty awesome considering I totally bombed the first geology test... Those late night into early morning studying sessions last week paid off... But not so much on the bike...

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