Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stage 2 of Nature Valley...

This was how things looked for the whole hour of racing...

It was super fast and riddled with potholes and manhole covers, of course they were strategically placed in the corners. The race was virtually single file the whole time, leaving you finishing where you started. I was sitting mid-pack the whole race and despite my efforts trying to move up into the top 20, I always ended up back where I started. Eventually, I resigned myself to just finishing and limiting my losses and not getting caught behind any gaps. With 4 laps to go a waste management dude clipped his pedal and hit the deck hard going into the first corner. I had to go to the outside to dodge him, nailing a pothole and hopping a curb narrowly missing spectators. I got back on the bike and tried to get back on the group, but realized my seat got knocked down and I could barely keep from sliding forward onto the top tube... I pulled off in the pit to see if they could straighten it, which they did, but it was too late for me to jump back in. The official took down my number and I would end up with a pro- rated time, probably at the very back of the finishers for the day, causing me to lose more time... Well... I woke up this morning and they have me as not finishing! Meaning I can't start today... Meanwhile, the guys who dropped out way earlier in the race got a pro-rated time and get to start today... Something's not right, I'm waiting to hear back from the officials... After forking out the cash to come here, I certainly hope they let me continue to race... I'll be deeply disappointed if it happens like that...


Mike Lalla said...

Dude!!! WTF!!!

Jason said...

yea... exactly... WTF! Can't get a hold of any of the officials, but I'm gonna go to the race ready to race my bike...