Friday, June 19, 2009

Stage 6 of Nature Valley

I know... I'm a little late, but I've been battling some sort of bug that I think started taking hold of me before stage 5. Things didn't go so well on Sunday, I fell off the back pretty soon after clearing the time cut. I continued to ride till about the half way point, when they pulled me. I was glad at that point, to jump in my car and start the drive back to Colorado... I was feeling more hammered than normal, which was surprising since I usually get better as stage races go on. Friday night was a rough night with not getting much sleep and starting to feel like allergies were taking a hold of me, things pretty much snowballed downhill from that point on... Ended up 80th in G.C. which wasn't too bad all things considered.

To top off my marvelous week, I got in a car accident on the way back. Some lady pulled out in front of me from the left hand side of the road, then dived into a driveway on the right hand side of the road, right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes as soon as I saw what she was going to attempt and skidded until I hit her rear quarterpanel... I think she's trying to pin the blame on me, which may be easy as I was rocking california plates and we all know how much everyone loves californians... The car's still driveable but moved even one more step into the ghetto direction with the left hand blinker being held together with duct tape...

Also got some of the Lemond cleat wedges that I used to use to put on my new shoes. I hope that solves the vastus lateralis problems I've been having all season. First ride on them was today and I felt much better, the watts were back up to where they were before I got the new shoes, and I'm not getting the tendonitis type of hurt as much... good sign...

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