Monday, April 12, 2010

Another fun weekend in the rear view mirror...

Yep, another collegiate weekend behind us... I really did have fun, I was actually able to race my bike... well sort of... Maybe I wasn't as strong as I would've liked to be, but after a month and a half of being layed out from that stomach bug, I'll take what I can get. I think the whole weekend came to a good closing when Alexi won the crit in honor of his good friend that he lost this last week.

Now, I have to go back to the doctors and have some more stuff checked out... Feeling much better, but apparently there is a small possibility some real bad stuff may be going on inside me... Need to do some testing to be sure all's normal and well...

Also looking at apartments in Wichita Falls... can't believe how cheap they are compared to California... I think it is my time to bow out of the complex, it's been a good run...

J signing off...

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